Good point. I thought numbers were a bit too extreme.
Good point. I thought numbers were a bit too extreme.
Neintyfour percent say no. Doesn’t this mean like most of AfD voters also say nein?
Uses a license produced engine from US (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volvo_RM12), which has caused endless problems in exports for SAAB, since the US blocks them frequently when they are about to win a contract.
I would go for Rafale or Eurofighter and I am saying this as a swede. We need to replace the engines ASAP. Perhaps a UK, German or French one. Would probably take years to develop thought and likely a significant overhaul will be necessary.
This is in a way true. If ostriches weight less or had bigger wing area (like, absurdly large), they would be able to fly. So it isn’t the wings per se as you say. Interesting.
Fourandneinzig. Entschuldigung für mein schlechtes Deutsch.