I’m bit surprised that no one talked about this yet. What you are experiencing is “not having an algorithm.”
To start out forget about the federated and the local timeline. You have to build your own. What you want to do is find hashtags (!) and users to follow.
Okay hear me out. I give this one single try. If you do not take your time to think about this and double down on your ignorance I will not further engage.
A little girl has been bullied to a point where she saw no other option than ending her own life. This is huge. It’s one of our must fundamental instincts.
She was murdered. By her bullies, by the system, by everyone who enabled this to happen. She was murdered.
Questioning whether she was fully aware of the consequences shifts the blame from the offenders to her. You imply an overreaction. You imply that the griev, drama, and negative emotions are in no relation to what she has been through. You question whether she has reached out for help enough. You question whether she tried.
Rest assured: she did. https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/341671/9789290228578-eng.pdf?sequence=1
Yeah, let’s blame her.
Okay, this just popped up: https://mastodon.social/@Ullilust/114138199183667985
It can’t get any better 😁