Go die in a forest-fire you evil something!
Homo Homini Lupus Est
Go die in a forest-fire you evil something!
I applaud the effort, but basing a “buy-european” app on google (of all evil things possible, you chose the apocalyptic riders of the interwebz) seems kinda… I dunno?
But I should shut up, as I can’t offer any European ai with an API.
Easy! drumroll It is still drumrolling Toxic Masculinity! Those that fear to become gay after a prostate-exam :-)
Since the dawn of gaming I always picked the more aesthetic choice, which mostly is the female choice. Never cared about the “u play woman? U gay!” Idiots…
Pretty solid. Explains why i stopped liking online-games which i was so damn passionate about 20yrs ago.
Beside being unable to compete with the youngsters 😁
Lol. That was an obvious /s