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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024

  • If I may abuse a metaphor, the money they are getting now is the bird in the hand, and the money they could be getting from a enthusiastically supportive base is the two birds in the bush. Why chase what they might get, when they can hold on to what they have? Especially when they consider that letting go of the bird in the hand will cause it to fly straight over to join the birds already in their opponent’s hand.

    Now, we might say the bird in the hand is poisonous, and should be discarded regardless, but a look at longtime party leadership makes me think they know, and they don’t care. Those people haven’t cared for a long time, if they ever did. As long as the likes of Pelosi can keep their own seat, it doesn’t matter how much damage is done to the country, they can keep enriching themselves while claiming to care.

    Or, at least that’s what it looks like from where I’m standing.

  • No one thinks an older account means a more valid opinion. However, brand new accounts are often trolls evading bans, so that’s why that was mentioned. And I gotta say, your comments are coming off pretty trollish.

    You keep saying that other comments are supporting Hamas and apologizing for terrorists when you are literally the only person talking about them in these comments so far. Critique of Israeli government is not an endorsement of Hamas, as they can, in fact, both be awful. I find it weird that you just assumed critique of one was somehow support of the other.