It’s almost as if he’s only in it for the grift…
It’s almost as if he’s only in it for the grift…
Republicans, like religious authorities and fascists of all kinds, are entirely too concerned by the contents of other people’s pants.
I admire her, but… Good luck with that.
That’s insulting to preschoolers.
Can’t we do both?
I’m from yesterday. When I was a kid in the 70’s, my tomorrow was the triumph of science, an evermore interconnected world of evermore educated people, the rule of individual rights and freedoms, the retreat of religion and magical thinking, fewer and fewer wars and the gradual end of poverty.
I’m very bitter today because somebody stole my future. But you can also argue that I, a man of yesterday, failed to shape the world of today too. We all failed, those of my generation.
If you’re a person of today, you need to work towards a better tomorrow right now. Because if you don’t, you’ll end up regretting not doing it later in life like I do.
Good point.
Although in fairness, it’s not republicans, it’s magats. Traditional republicans are people I strongly disagree with but they’re not dumb: they will get vaccinated. The magats though, that’s a different story.
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