The reason it gets cut down so much is the advertised jackpot is the 25 year pay over time annuity amount. You get only about half if you take lump sum. And THEN that’s taxed at a high bracket.
The reason it gets cut down so much is the advertised jackpot is the 25 year pay over time annuity amount. You get only about half if you take lump sum. And THEN that’s taxed at a high bracket.
Emotions aren’t inherently positive or negative. It’s what you do with the emotions that has actual moral substance.
Here, let’s look at it this way.
I say something, and it made you sad. However, you know full well my intent was not to make you sad. Despite this, you use your sadness to guilt me about the thing. So now I feel sad that you are purposefully misinterpreting my meaning.
I am offended that you are offended. Explain to my why my feeling is invalid and yours is valid.
Anyone can feel bad about anything.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
I’m not saying go around purposely making people sad. I’m saying don’t make your sadness my issue.
Your feelings are yours to manage. You say why hurt someone when you can avoid it. I say why get hurt in the first place? Everyone has feelings about everything. No feeling is any more valid than any other feeling.
This is the kind of stupidity that has us reinventing language constantly. Words mean what they mean. To hell with how they make you feel. BLACKLIST WHITELIST 😲 The horror!
Let him manage his own sleep. You know, I was punished my whole life growing up for having erratic sleep patterns. Turns out I likely have narcolepsy and need to get tested. I’m fucking 38.