A buddhist vegan goth with questionable humour.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I tend to agree. The man has worked all his live to bring Buddhism closer to the West and this was the single worst thing he did and, very likley, be the one thing that people will remember first.

    After years and years of build relationships and beeing seen as a wildes positive figure. Bit of a shame, what he has to say is valid and important, at least in my opinion. But alas, this was a fucking Desaster for him. And I very much don’t think he’s a pedophile. But in this day and age, with all this hyper sexualisierted westerners, with its complete lack of nuance and social media, it was the worst thing he could have done. China will have done everything to amplify the message to, which for sure doesn’t help.

  • But he didn’t say that. Others have defended him, yes.

    The Dalai Lama hinself apologised for the joke and acknowledged that it must have sounded strange for a western audience.

    The mother of the boy was sitting in true audience and she wasn’t offended by it at all. She defended the Dalai Lama. That in of itself doesn’t mean anything, I have to admit. If you’re in a cult you tend to close your eyes to abuse. But take a closer look at the whole situation:

    Of course, it could be possible that the person whon spent his live reaching out to the West, preaching about love and kindness, decided to make a very puplic statement about his pedophile nature while beeing on a stage surrounded by cameras. Or it was an interaction between two people of a different culture whom had an exchange that, admittedly, sounds strange to Western ears.

    I know what I think is more likley here. Especially because there was nothing else after this. Usually, once a public person is called out for abusive behaviour, there will be some victims who are encouraged to break their silence. In this case? Nothing. Doesn’t that make you question your assumption of him beeing a pedo at least a bit?

  • But everybody said about Trumps tariffs, that the American people will have to pay them. Can somebody explain why Canada keeping the Tariffs is good then? Aren’t it the Canadian people paying for them?

    Honest question btw, I’m not trying to be snarky. I’m just a bit slow sometimes.

    Edit: Thanks for the explanations, I think I have a better understanding now. Tariffs hurt the consumer and the foreign industrie, but Canadians are rdy to pay that price for their sovereignity.

  • Show me one example, please. In my experience the message for his followers is absolutely the same. He speakes about Buddha, about kindness and wisdom and how to apply the Buddhas words in the modern world.

    I have seen quite a few events now that he has held for Tibtain monks and nuns and that were provided with English subtitles. I see no different message there, than he has for his western audiences. Of course, there is a difference in how he speaks about things, but not what he is saying.

  • Reading trough your comments, I think your and my idea of what kind of echo-chamber this is are quite different. Or they are not. I don’t know.

    I agree with many positions posted on Lemmy, they aligne with my world view. Some don’t. I try to be aware that this is a left space and the opinions about topics here are very different then from the right.

    In my experience they are much more based on facts tough. The right seems to belive what ever the talking points are they are beeing fed and then just reproduce them. I don’t see that so much here, albeit it can happen in regards to some topics.

    You have voiced opinions that don’t aline with the gebral opinions here. Since you don’t back those up with any evidence what so ever I understand why that got you banned.