Edit: Just generally read a bit on delta if you want to know more. It’s the Uni press. They even got censored by the university when they first reported some of this if I recall correctly.
Yeah… Not that surprising to me. TU Delft hasn’t been doing so hot. They literally have it all. Corruption, harassment, nepotism. But if you are not a PhD student you shouldn’t be too affected by any of these.
This is a pretty holistic article on all the “badness” in english https://delta.tudelft.nl/en/article/victims-of-social-unsafety-always-draw-the-short-straw-at-tu-delft-an-official-report-that-would-be-the-end-of-me
Edit: Just generally read a bit on delta if you want to know more. It’s the Uni press. They even got censored by the university when they first reported some of this if I recall correctly.