Once again libs will be taken by surprise when tHe tAnKiEs turn out to be right and Zelensky either gets with the program or gets acquainted with the wall.
Once again libs will be taken by surprise when tHe tAnKiEs turn out to be right and Zelensky either gets with the program or gets acquainted with the wall.
Poroshenko who’s on record publicly speaking about his genocidal intent behind the bombing of ethnic Russians in Donbas, “may or may not” be working for Russia.
Fucking libs I stg, every bit as racist as conservatives and hardly any brighter.
It has jack shit to do with the point, you’re just using bad faith questions to deflect. You’re not original or sneaky.
Do you think genocide was acceptable, is my question, because you seem to be awfully concerned about the particulars, like you’re about to say “oh, well, where’s the solutions? Everyone wants to stop a genocide but nobody wants to provide alternatives”.
I’m about as happy as I would have been with a dem, which is to say I hope they die and take the US with them and leave the rest of us alone finally.
Are you at all able to communicate with others without resorting to deflection and loaded questions?
See? Perfect example.
Without the republicans, Dems would have no one to hide behind when their many genocides are recounted.
Not three months ago Gaza had a death toll well past fifty thousand by the most conservative estimates, not to mention the huge amounts of women and children maimed, malnourished and the wholesale destruction of the entire strip’s infrastructure.
Did the republicans do that or did y’all deny reality so much in the pursuit of tHe mOsT iMpOrTanT ElEctiOn oF oUr LiFeTimE that you don’t know what fucking color the sky is unless you ask the DNC first.
The republicans are not diametrically opposed to the democrats, they’re just the same shit but more brash, and (with Trump at the helm) too fucking incompetent to not say the quiet part out loud, maybe because they know their base is so rabid on American fascism that dogwhistles aren’t enough anymore, they need a fucking trumpet.
I think you’ll find they were fighting other Ukrainians (if you can call the carpet bombing of civilians “fighting”) to maintain the US financed Poroshenko in power long before Russia went in, about eight years in fact.
Active noise cancelling for this fucking tinnitus would be a godsend