Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
Smaller than a credit card, didn’t last opening the package
I don’t think you’ll have the chance to wait for a puncture before it spontaneously explodes
And, the next ultra-big step: How would a non-techie figure this shit out?
They wouldn’t, because the people calling the shots in the tech world create UX with a focus on it sucking for everyone
If a person uses a libre VoIP app, there is no need for cell service
I don’t follow. Don’t you need internet for VoIP? Unless the point is to have a phone that gets zero connection while outside a wifi, which sounds kinda pointless?
Fake: nobody in the ISS has duct tape to patch the crack? Bullshit
Gay: anon pretends to be from FEMA because the name makes him feel feminine
It’s only a problem if you don’t waffle stomp it properly, duh