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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2024


  • Fucking CyberTruck like fucking pile of shit website. What kills me the most is that the fucking things they’re screenshoting, those pages have literal “export to XML” buttons that they could fucking export, save the XML to some shared drive that gets swept, and the put it in some actually secure database.

    This whole fucking thing reeks of some fucking weeb ass Roblox hackers whose last project consisted of Lua Script emulating some fucking redstone calculator they wrote in Minecraft. And the export fuction on the thing? It’s just one dimension SUM function CSV exports. Literally no other dimenstions of values to add, shit I would be fucking surprised if a single one of the people writing the goddamn have ever heard of OLAP.

    And to top it off, we already have a fucking website that does what this fucking place does, but 846 decillion times better. And it doesn’t have a fucking Instagram esque reel of Tweets of people taking fucking screenshots of an open database.

    I can’t wait till the next dumbass gets into the White House and turns this pile of grabage off. Paying these idiots millions to power and run the hardware this pitiful excuse of a website runs on. And all we got for that money is some shit that is about on par as the shit you get from some O’Reilly book called “Building a Government Website Crash Course” with a Bald Eagle dying of bird flu on the cover.

    This fucking idiot maybe wants to fucking learn what the hell SQL is.

  • Dems Should Steal It Back.

    Or you know, Bernie should just have it and everyone should stop stealing it. I mean I’m as liberal as they come, but c’mon Democrats, stop stealing Bernie’s shit and leaving him behind and just listen to what Senator Sanders is telling you will actually win Americans.

    I mean, I get it, I’m bummed about Trump, but shit, PLEASE LEARN SOMETHING THIS CYCLE DNC!! I mean there’s a ton of reasons for why Trump won, but holy fuck, Democrats if you could run something just few nanometers short of the current level of insipid political rhetoric, that would be amazing.

    I’ll still vote Democrat on the mid term, but c’mon drink a Red Bull or something.