No. Over use of adjectives here. Better to be concise.
No. Over use of adjectives here. Better to be concise.
Same for doors. We are really narrowing it down now!
And then what?
People aren’t buying all those butt plugs for decoration. People fall asleep. I don’t imagine many people sleep with them on purpose, but certaintly possible to pass out with a butt plug in place.
Sure. The goal is more perfect here, not perfect.
Gross for anyone to abuse tax money like this, but the guy is literally a criminal responsible for the deaths of innocent people he was tasked to govern as well as a traitor to the United States in the truest sense of the definition. The juxtaposition of this golf shit for someone that should be hanging at the end of a rope is infuriating.
As much as people are criticizing the proposed changes to this concept in the US, yes, this is true. In many countries that are arguably more free and democratic than the US even, this is not the way citizenship works and the post comes off as uninformed.
Well yes. Garbage in garbage out of course.
I wouldn’t say definitely. AI is subject to bias of course as well based on training, but humans are very much so, and inconsistently so too. If you are putting in a liver in a patient that has poorer access to healthcare they are less likely to have as many life years as someone that has better access. If that corellates with race is this the junction where you want to make a symbolic gesture about equality by using that liver in a situation where it is likely to fail? Some people would say yes. I’d argue that those efforts towards improved equality are better spent further upstream. Gets complicated quickly - if you want it to be objective and scientifically successful, I think the less human bias the better.
That’s not what the article is about. I think putting some more objectivety into the decisions you listed for example benefits the majority. Human factors will lean toward minority factions consisting of people of wealth, power, similar race, how “nice” they might be or how many vocal advocates they might have. This paper just states that current AIs aren’t very good at what we would call moral judgment.
It seems like algorithms would be the most objective way to do this, but I could see AI contributing by maybe looking for more complicated outcome trends. Ie. Hey, it looks like people with this gene mutation with chronically uncontrolled hypertension tend to live less than 5years after cardiac transplant - consider weighing your existing algorithm by 0.5%
I’d like to share a design concept with IM given that this is their second moon topple:
Piracy may have saved your life!
Just goes to show how horrendous this sort of crime is. I hear dvd pirates are on the same cell blocks as pedophiles in prison.
Just poke tiny holes in them, blow out the contents and return them for a refund.
I’m still salty about them discontinuing synchronization between Google photos and Google drive years ago. Such an unnecessary and irritating move. Before that it was getting rid of the picassa desktop app which was actually quite a good photo library manager. The enshitification marches on.
The founding fathers never anticipated such dick-headery, but presidency for profit needs to be clearly built into the constitution as an outright criminal act.
Go ahead and sell books you’ve never read nevermind haven’t written, and memecoins to dumb twats after you are out if you want, but this shit can’t happen in active office.
Do yourself a favor and do fast food less than once a month.
This probably isn’t real, but if it were I wouldn’t be surprised