Rare Fediverse Chick 😱
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
I’m using a new phone keyboard, please forgive typos.
Rare Fediverse Chick 😱
Can you elaborate? I might fit that criteria.
Calves are an eyebrow raiser? Lordy. What’s the world coming to when we can’t openly discuss nice calves. When I say I love legs, I mean the whole leg.
Plus, statements like “felt like hours” can mean many different things. Anon says it felt like hours, yet doesn’t describe very many things happening. The sort of amnesia-like feeling of waking up from a dream when your brain has flushed your short term memory down the drain and has to rebuild context for what happened can be described as “feeling like hours passed” when not much time passed. Anon’s dream doesn’t have many details because, like all dreams, it wasn’t terribly long. It felt like a long time, because like all sleep, there is a very distinct gap in your perception of time about what happened.
That’s weird, I always viewed GPS as a form of American Imperialism. Sure, it’s a bit extreme maybe, but America does own and operate it and jam it when enemies try to use it.
I need to not poop for three days.