GPS? You mean the technology that we as a country collective maintain? And have continued to maintain since it’s immediate inception?
Yeah, ok.
Call me when you start using glonass.
GPS? You mean the technology that we as a country collective maintain? And have continued to maintain since it’s immediate inception?
Yeah, ok.
Call me when you start using glonass.
i count like 5 that probably have a higher standard of living.
a good chunk of those countries are literally at war.
I count at least 7 that probably have considerable human rights violations going on somewhere.
My husband says if you push past that and eat (he bulked once) that your appetite adjusts and you get bigger and hungrier. But bodies generally want to sort of stay the size they are, so don’t signal “eat, dammit!” if you have funded it enough to maintain.
100% this, the body moves to maintain whatever you feed it, which to be fair, is probably externally influenced by the amount of work you output. One of the solutions to eating too much, is literally to just eat less. Of course, fat bulking is really weird, and getting rid of it is even weirder, that’s human biology for you.
this would also be susceptible to magnetic field switching as well, shouldnt be a huge technical limitation, but im not sure accuracy is going to be quite as good.