Is that first one bush or muse?
I’m the king. Of jalopies.
Is that first one bush or muse?
Bad caddies is kinda accurate these days. I’ve also heard them called maga caddies because of the singer
Oh damn that sucks. I had the original name on a tape but it has been long since lost to time.
Lady Gag
Green jello
Poo fighters
Notorious P.I.G.
System of a downs
I could do this all day lol
Yeah they played at the last NOFX shows in LA and a lot of people were talking shit about it. I had no idea until that day. I always loved them except their later stuff. In fact my old band got to open for them in Dallas like 20 years ago. Was a really cool night with the exception of the singer being shit faced and throwing ice at everyone backstage who talked to him lol.