(that was the joke) 😉
(that was the joke) 😉
Silly acts are the ties that bind them together
My honey ended a phone conversation last night with his cousin with “thank you for your time.” Just running on autopilot.
I have reverse work/life autopilot. I’ve ended work-related voicemails with “love you! Er, uh, that just came out by accident. I mean I am fond of you but…well, crap, just call me back.”
I did both when learning but did have to separate them because thinking about all the things, clutch, gears, RPM, mirrors, traffic, pedestrians was too much all together at first. I drove my grandma’s automatic to get used to driving on the road in traffic, and I drove my dad’s manual around empty parking lots, fairgrounds, etc until I was comfortable with the car. Then I moved on to driving dad’s car in traffic.
I loved driving manual, but my husband can’t drive one, so if we took my car somewhere on a trip, I had to commit to being the driver the whole time. I gave it up after my job required me to do a lot of driving in bad traffic. For fun I will get one as a rental if we travel somewhere that has them commonly available to rent. I’ve had to convince well-meaning but somewhat judgy rental clerks to not upgrade me to automatic and that yes I did know that I selected manual when I made the booking.