A 50-something French dude that’s old enough to think blogs are still cool, if not cooler than ever. Also, I like to write and to sketch.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023

  • It’s nice that both parties are discussing here.

    I read all of the discussion, I think it may be useful to point out that here are two different issues at hand here:

    1. The debate around the question: should we not have or not have multiple similarly-themed communities since we severely lack users to make them thrive. That’s technical consideration that’s easy to debate, imho.
    2. The other one is more related to a question of ego (No blaming here, my own ego is the size of the Eiffel tower ;), and is about deciding if it’s ok to ban someone because they’re doing something you don’t agree with but technically is not against the rules AND AT THE SAME TIME it’s about deciding if it’s ok to keep bothering the admin/mods of another and similarly-themed community once those mods made it clear to you they prefer you stop doing it but you think they’re wrong?

    Those two issues should be dealt with separately, if anyone is hoping to reach any agreement.

    Could the two communities thrive? Maybe, maybe not. They could both die, too.
    Could they merge? I think so (because I don’t see large enough differences between them).
    Should they merge? I think so but not if one of them doesn’t want to merge, it’s simple. It’s called freedom and respect.
    Should they discuss a merge even if they don’t appreciate each other, instead of banning and/or spamming? I think so too. At least in the interest of the two communities. Failing to do so would only reflects we’re not better than some of those elected clowns we call our representatives… And seeing how crass stupid some of them are, I’d rather try my hardest to never look like them :p

    A few more general considerations, keep in mind they’re coming from an old fart that probably doesn’t understand much:

    • If I go to some place and the owner tells me they don’t like I what do at their place. I will either stop doing it, or stop going there depending the situation.
      If I really think they’re wrong, I may ask other persons around me but if none agrees with me, well I’m back to square one and I will either stop going there or stop doing whatever I was doing.
    • As a member of both communities, I find it a pain to have two similar communities even more so when both post the exact same content because it creates more noise in my feed and because it forces me to waste my time and energy deciding where I will read said duplicated content and maybe post a comment. The solution is obvious: I will unsubscribe from one (for the time being, I still follow the two communities).
    • Fediverse is about networking and non-centralization. It should not be about owning and dictating what one should or should not be allowed to do… which is what Reddit turned into and why I quit using it entirely.
    • I know it’s somehow trendy ‘to be right’ and to present the other dude as being ‘the bad guy’ the one that is wrong and that should be punished. At best, it’s naive. Simply put, no one is the asshole because we all are at one time or another—and if anyone needs help understanding that, consider the following: we all need to poop and once we’ve pooped we all need to wipe our dirty ass clean. So, yeah, not only we’re all assholes but(t), no matter how briefly, at one time we also all have our ass dirty. What matters is not that it’s dirty it’s how we clean it.
    • We don’t own communities or their members. If we’re anything special it’s their janitor, trying to keep it working and clean.
    • I’m old enough that I’ve learned to not give a crap about sensibility, be it my own or other’s.
      I try to not be mean but I will also say what I have to say and I’m fine with some people not liking it (or not liking me) as I’m fine with me me not liking what they say.
    • I’m not fine with people insisting on convincing me I should change my mind and I should (dis)like what or who they (dis)like. My answer to that behavior is to block them. Am I wrong or excessive in doing so? I could be, sure, but why would i want to waste my time discussing with someone that doesn’t want to discuss and only want to convince me I’m wrong and they’re right?