With sun dried tomatoes, pesto, chunked garlic and cashews.
Just a cat wandering about Tamriel.
With sun dried tomatoes, pesto, chunked garlic and cashews.
It’s all money laundering for russian mob/fsb. Still pretty hard to bankrupt a business that basically prints $$$ though. Epic levels of incompetence!
It’s hard to fight the government if your sick.
Mexico poses no threat. Easily controlled by throwing it further into disarray, backing a cartel or installing some other dictatorial wannabe. What we have always done south of the border.
Canada poses a threat because of it’s ability to remain sovereign. It has shown itself to be able to retain a functional democracy independent of US and kremlen influence. For the most part anyway. If Canada joins the EU, Krasnov’s enemy in on his doorstep which makes it even more important they try and succeed to become part of the EU before Krasnov supplants all democracy in the US which is likely before the midterms.
There is also the fact that he sees Canada: white, Mexico: brown. Racism defiantly playing a huge factor in his every decision.
Puerto Rico is a US territory already, he doesn’t care about. Not rich or white enough.
Across the ocean, I think he is interested in South Africa. Musks homeland. Possibly a strategic place for invading Australia when Krasnov and putin start their martch.
He has already expressed interest in Greenland. Natural resources and military advantage, keeping Europe separated from Canada/US when the new Axis of Ameri-rus begin to march.
Trump is not smart enough to set the chessboard but competent enough to follow orders from the kremlen.
Just some thoughts on what might be behind the motivation to annex Canada, Greenland and possibility South Africa.
I’d fight for Canadian sovereignty. It would be a fight against my own oppressors. I expect if the US invades Canada WWIII would begin to be a hot war instead of this cold/proxy war it has been. Would think Europe would not stand idly either. They would have no choice. They know that the US and russia would begin to carve up Europe next.
It is clear to me now that this administration will only end with bloodshed.
Cucktails oooh ooooh!
Doesn’t take a genus to figure a method or motivation for that matter.
WWPW: what would putin want.
That simple. Burn the country down and sell the ashes. Burn bridge’s with old allies while forging alliance’s with our old enemies. Solidify fascistic oligarchy at all costs, retain power.
“Unhinged Orange Dictator Wannabe, Does Calm Reasonable Action” is not on my bingo card.
If a q us on board QUA.
Love you too kind internet stranger!