Anon is a Butt Wizard I think is what you meant
Anon is a Butt Wizard I think is what you meant
This immediately made me think of Gareth trying to flirt by talking about his skill at card games lol
I’ve always thought that porn was good lol I was just making a point about the very silly website they sent me to.
You guys seem to be rather obsessed about it though, which should be a cause for concern.
It’s not good to obsess over anything 😉
So, I went ahead and looked up the founder of your little website there… None of his theories were ever backed up by any legitimate science and according to his bio he refused to allow himself to have an orgasm even when he had sex with his wife lol
If anything the link you shared has convinced me even more that pornography is healthy and perfectly normal when used in moderation.
Gary Wilson was mentally ill and all of his theories seem to be centered around a bizarre delusion he had that men should never experience pleasure
I’ve always wondered who those shots are for lol who’s watching straight porn to see an extreme close up of a dudes butthole? There must be a market for it since that shot is in like 35% of all porn videos
He clearly only wants to watch all natural lesbian porn where they perform in complete silence for the duration of the video
I can see how that would be tricky to find lol
I assume Anons not hungry due to the extreme constipation
Maybe? This came from 4Chan so it’s very possible it could be entirely made up lol