He needs a laundry hamper.
He needs a laundry hamper.
I like how he clarifies that he lives alone.
“Sure, one of my roommates could have come in and poked around in my butthole while I was sleeping. But no one was in a position to do such a thing.”
A lot of drugs that give you uncontrolled mental energy will give you focus, insight or creativity, in short uncontrollable doses. In the same way that burning down a building will let you see into rooms that you never were familiar with before. For a short time.
I have heard that meditation can give you the same type of experience and insight without destroying you while you are doing it. I can’t say I know for sure, but I can believe it.
It’s hard to say from such a distance, but it may be that he is good at sex and trustworthy. That’s enough a lot of the time. People make things too complicated.
Memory is a liar. It feels when you’re accessing it like it is reliable. It is not. Eyewitness testimony frequently has people who adamantly remember stuff that didn’t happen. They tried it with those famous events where people always remember where they were when so-and-so happened. They got a population of people, found out where they were when the shocking world event had happened, and then they asked them a long time later and a lot of people’s vivid memories of where they were, were just bullshit their brain made up for them.
You can actually create false memories in people that will feel completely real, if you know how to do it, and they’ll remember both the process of you implanting the false memory, and then this fake memory that they 100% remember as if it had happened.
The brain just stores hints and mostly-important stuff, and for the rest it just makes shit up as it goes along so you can get on with your day and won’t become upset because you don’t remember. But it’s like an LLM. It just makes up nonsense if it doesn’t know the answer, and to you it feels 100% real.
Potentially taking legal action?
He didn’t make himself president. He had some natural talents that helped the process along, but being an angry idiot which means he could connect emotionally with a lot of American voters who are also angry idiots was one of them. It’s in no way a counter argument for him being an idiot.
If you fire a sedated turkey buzzard into an airplane engine, that doesn’t make it a skilled mechanic, even if it then makes unprecedented changes to the characteristics of the airplane.