Yeah! We usually puppet the dictators! This is all wrong!
Yeah! We usually puppet the dictators! This is all wrong!
Instead of sending you to the Vaush Gulag I’m going to instead reccomend that you try audiobooks. There are many on youtube, but that is not the only place you can find audiobooks of Marxist theory. Let’s just say Marxists are real keen on making sure these texts are readily accessible. While a lot of theory is old, not all of it is, but you’ll be lost in newer theory if you don’t know the basics.
I highly recommend “Black Shirts and Reds” by Parenti for newbies to Marxism. I also recommend “Socialism Scientific and Utopian” by Engels, “Reform and Revolution” by Luxembourg. All of these can easily be found as both pdf and audiobook, and are short, and easily digestible by lay people.
Ok even if that is the case. Why is it even possible for them to deliver ads to a car? The very fact it could happen “accidently” is more than enough for me to be angry.
This is what happens when you let white people read Atlas Shrugged in college. smh.
Was there an alternative word he should have used to describe himself?