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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Right, it’s the intent and context of the word that could be offensive, not the word itself. Using substitutes doesn’t change how you’re conveying your emotions.

    Besides, OP, do you think Jesus wasn’t swearing when he was overturning the money changers tables in the tabernacle? He was clearly PISSED. He was definitely rebuking them, same difference.

    Swearing isn’t sinful, it’s what you’re cursing/being hateful about that could be.

    Now, if you’re intentionally not swearing due to a personal choice or by virtue of being intentionally different to not be like the culture you’re in then that’s different.

  • An enclave is defined as an area within a territorial boundary. So an exclave is an area outside of a boundary with ties to the main territory

    Essentially, Apple is trying to realize the security advantages of a microkernel without tossing the monolithic aspects of XNU.

    “In iOS 18, exclaves refer to specific resources that are separated from the main iOS kernel (XNU) and cannot be accessed by it, even if the kernel is compromised,"

    Pretty neat hardening of the OS. Decent write up that isn’t too deep in the weeds.

  • That was once a lot more true than nowadays since the software has ways to mitigate the degradation. Once you’ve gone to a display with true black like OLED, nothing no else compares honestly. They even make movie theater screens look bad. It’s not possible to have a projector give you true black. Better contrast sure, but not true black. There is a limit to contrast anyway since human eyes can only see so bright.