you won’t. he’ll switch sides the next time he’s in bluetooth range to krasnov
Alt account of @[email protected] for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated
you won’t. he’ll switch sides the next time he’s in bluetooth range to krasnov
looks like the current iteration is Polish descent, living in Toronto
it’s everything. the democratic party since Obama was elected has been unwilling to grapple with that our populace is split between people who think racism is an ongoing aspect of the fight for liberation, people who think racism ended some time in the past like in 1864, 1920, 1950, 1970, or 1989, and people who outright engage with racist ideologies. democrats try to engage with an idyllic populace who generally means well when the actual populace is a bunch of colonizers.
our best bet for a president who can address all the problems of this political environment is basically the wokest white dude we can find. and the way tim walz is acting and behaving, he might be operating with the understanding that given bernie sanders’ age, it might have to be him.
i ask everyone to do the following: pay attention to what tim walz does, but don’t treat him as your savior. every liberation movement has required three figures: the violent revolutionary (think Malcolm X), the pacifist the respectability politics people are willing to engage with (think dr martin luther king jr), and the emotional/spiritual leader that soothes people who are hurting’s souls (this leader usually goes unnamed because they are not looking for a position of power). you need to choose your role in our liberation movement as soon as possible and start agitating. and understand tim walz will never exit his lane of pacifist the respectability politics people are willing to engage with.
tim walz, also, for how much we love him, has blind spots and will say some ignorant shit in tho years to come. have grace and patience with him for as long as he will listen. america has a long legacy of politicians who entrench themselves in something dumb because when you have as many critics as someone in office has, the legitimate criticism tends to get buried under a mountain of unreasonable criticism.
she was before i blocked her lol. maybe she’s not anymore?
there’s spam bots trying to get people to be like “oh a sexy jewish nerd from poland is into me? lemme yeah send her some money”
Should US have been sanctioned because of Abu Ghraib?
Russia has a lot of resources and they did nothing wrong
Well other than genocide. But hey. What’s a little ethnic cleansing between friends, I guess
primary everyone if all the resistance they’re willing to give us is auction paddles
at best the democrats don’t understand the assignment. at worst they understand this to be the assignment
i fear for the core of the party, it’s the latter, and that the majority is following that core because they don’t know the assignment
everything but the cybertruck i can square why someone would still drive one. not everyone can afford to sell a car for less than it is worth as a car to not be seen it, or to pass up an undervalued car to move their kids around. but the cybertruck lacks all plausible deniability. by the time the orders were delivering, it was obvious who elon musk was, and that there were other better options available from competitors. it’s also just fuckin’ useless. like. it just absolutely sucks at everything a vehicle has to do, let alone a truck
your understanding of what the proposed header solution is is way off base. “protecting the kids” isn’t about keeping adults from interacting with kids in online forums, it’s about keeping the kids from accidentally seeing porn (really it’s about making the lives of sex workers more dangerous). think of it like a tv v-chip but for the internet, not as a nightclub bouncer creating two different online communities and making sure they don’t interact with eachother
keep kentucky gay!