Letting people take home food increases losses as your staff will make extra to take home so it “won’t get thrown out”. As loss is a hugely important metric in restaurants you don’t want to encourage this.
Letting people take home food increases losses as your staff will make extra to take home so it “won’t get thrown out”. As loss is a hugely important metric in restaurants you don’t want to encourage this.
Or you pursue weirder spaces to get profit ie I had a boss who hated her cousin but flew to India for his wedding because the bride’s brother ran a paper factory. She came back having spent $10k on gift wrap and bags that would have cost $100k+ here. We sold bags for $7 that cost $0.13. Our highest profit item in awine shop was a paper bag. We of course would give these out for “free” when we needed to.
“The cost of your entitlement is my job”
After years realizing the other person misread every single second you spent with them changed the nature of our friendship significantly.
Imagine if after two years you realized someone you thought of as one of your closest friends had no idea what you wanted from them. It was weird and we grew apart.
I had a girl who I had been hanging out with regularly gently explain to me that we were never going to have a sexual or romantic relationship.
I was stopped cold by this. I had no idea how to explain to her that in the two years of hanging out daily I never tried to kiss her, hold her hand, or even meet her family. I just was never interested and she thought I was always about to make a move.
I thought we were just friends? So did she but she thought I wanted otherwise. It was weird. We aren’t friends now.
Jobs ate only fruit. That is a lot of sugar. Your liver doesn’t like that.
If he had pursued modern medical treatments rather than a sugar filled diet he might have lived. He would have to have stepped down though and he did not want to do that.
He would also have to admit he was completely wrong about his diet and that he absolutely did not want to do as it was tied to some dumbass “philosophy” he followed.
I was working with advocacy groups that opposed it at the time. i wasnt a fan I just think blaming or giving credit to Biden for it makes no sense.
No, it’s the difference between real life experience and reading about the same event in a book.
No, I base that on how remarkably ignorant placing the entirety of the 1996 crime bill on Biden is because I was a voting adult who read the news back then. People who weren’t adults back then don’t have the context of that time period that people who were adults then are going to have.
No matter how wounded your ego might be by the suggestion you are never going to have an informed perspective on time periods you weren’t around for compared to those who were.
No I would presume they have no context of the time period given how ignorant of a take they have on that time period. If they weren’t an adult then it would make sense to not realize how stupid their claim is.
The Omnibus Crime Bill was popular on both sides and was celebrated by the GOP. Framing it as if it was all Biden is a stretch.
Im guessing you weren’t an adult in 1996, would that be accurate?
Yup CEO’s work for the company. The board of directors are the significant owners in most cases.
Im not incapable of reading. Your writing clearly states that Carter was responsible. You claim he oversaw it which is just flatly incorrect.
You think Im a bot because my username contains the word “bot”?
“In 1977-1978, as Indonesia engaged in wholesale destruction of East Timor through massive bombardment and forced relocation of populations”
That REALLY sounds like Indonesia was responsible for the genocide they were committing. Why are you blaming an American president for a war waged by Indonesians due to choices made by the Indonesian government? Do you think Indonesia had no agency in the genocide they perpetrated?
Again it is really weird you are blaming Carter for this.
You might want to rephrase that as the East Timor genocide started while Carter was in office. Carter played no role in that genocide. The Indonesian government was responsible for it. It is odd that you are blaming Carter at all.
The aviation subs/communities pointed out how kind it was for aliens to use Federal Aviation Administration approved lights and lighting schemes. Really kind of them to build craft that follow US laws.
Ozzy Osbourne called it the hardest drug to quit and that man has done many drugs
There’s several problems here:
Giving homeless people food you cannot serve due to it being under heat lamps too long isn’t cool. If it’s risky for you it’s riskier for them as they don’t have their own space to be sick in. This is why many hot dishes are thrown out.
Homeless shelters and food assistance programs discourage giving old food as it sends the message to recipients that they aren’t worth getting a fresh meal. It’s about decency.
My mom ran an interim housing program, a food bank, and a homeless shelter. When restaurants gave food they made it for the shelter. It wasn’t their leftovers. The only things that were “old” were the Starbuck’s pastries as they drove them over twice a day and thus the guys at the shelter weren’t getting stale stuff.