I can tell you that, no, you cannot always “just bounce back”. Maybe you can, good for you, but that does not apply to everyone
I can tell you that, no, you cannot always “just bounce back”. Maybe you can, good for you, but that does not apply to everyone
Densely populated isn’t a problem for everyone (I like dense), and the pollution isn’t as bad as it used to be, right?
The authoritarian part is a major major issue of course, but my layperson perceptions of the material conditions of China is that it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be, and is getting better
And another upside, good public transit
I don’t even understand what people buy so often. I can easily go a month without buying a new physical item that’s not like, food
You might think so, and yet it’s something that has actually been proven right time and time again for me. It’s what people call “gut instinct”. It has kept me safe, and the times when I’ve ignored it because of “oh it’s probably a false alarm” I’ve come to regret later on
It sounds like woo-woo maybe, but why? You don’t think that it’s possible to tell if, say, someone doesn’t actually care about others? If they, say, only see them as tools to be used? If you had a trump-like figure put in front of you for 5 minutes, how much would you be able to figure out in that 5 minutes? Quite a lot I’d say
So why is it unreasonable to think that you can’t tell?
I don’t know how you got “discriminating against people based on mental disorder” from “realizing they are not a safe person”
Those are not the same things at all.
I have also the same experience as the other commenter, and I tend to get along well with people with mental health issues that are actually safe
Yeah the original sentence is surprisingly legible considering I don’t know Spanish