That’s one more than 2B so she must be really hot!
AMD knew what they were doing.
Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman
That’s one more than 2B so she must be really hot!
AMD knew what they were doing.
“I can’t believe most Americans after what they saw today would want to be partners with Zelensky,” Graham said. “Ukraine is an important ally.”
-Lindsey Graham the day of Trump/Zelensky meeting where Trump threw a bitch fit.
He’s a flip flopping piece of shit. He supports Ukraine but wants the man fighting for them to step down. Zelensky stepping down is basically throwing in the towel. They just want a fucking compliant leader who will do what they say.
Uh oh.
Isn’t it canon in some of the comic books that Gotham is legitimately cursed and it doesn’t matter how much charity and good works Wayne does, it’s just always going to be bad?
Yeah, Trump has been known to do that. Columbia got what they asked for.
Anyone who capitulates and thinks they’re saving themselves will get the same treatment.
You’re showing a prolific abuser that you are weak and willing to submit, and an abuser will take advantage of that weakness. They will never turn around and treat you better because you complied.
The abuse is the point. Trump will always find an excuse.
Now it’s “Trumpland” because they’ve officially tossed Jesus out the window.
Lemmy users reading this:
It implies that that’s a quality you should be judging people on, even if their looks have no bearing on the situation.
That certainly shouldn’t be how it is, but there’s a lot of evidence to support that it is how it is. Just because we don’t like it being that way doesn’t mean it doesn’t impact people’s perceptions.
Forbes article about the phenomenon:
Harvard study about the “Beauty Premium”:
Beauty and the Labor Market (1994), referenced by the Harvard study:
To quote Eddie Izzard from her special Dress to Kill:
I don’t disagree that it was kind of pointless to bring up, but just saying… it’s a thing.
This isn’t fucking cryptic at all now, is it?? Our media is such a shitshow.
Everybody knows what this is fucking for, and that’s even more obvious since Trump flipped the fuck out on the media for reporting it and made a weak ass excuse that it was merely thanks for being swearing Trump in on inauguration day… as if that’s not something that would be done anyway and doesn’t necessarily need a “thanks.”
Thanks, Caroline Ellison, for burning this fucker to the ground.
She got a lot of shit just for looking awkward but she came out seeming like the only person with real regrets and an intent to take him down, even if she went down, too. That’s pretty rare.
Mike Masnick is a good egg, which makes him valuable in times like these… Just like good eggs.
Their number has grown but they are still stupid.
Not because they can’t get away with it. They can, for a while anyway, before the economic chickens come home to roost.
They simply buy into the Ayn Rand notion that the richest actually do all the work… Which is simply not true and you’d have to be stupid to believe.
Nope. That’s not it. “You were supposed to know” because it was fucking obvious to anyone who paid even a little attention. Be embarrassed about that.
They don’t know enough about anything to even be able to be embarrassed, and that’s the whole fucking problem.
True but hopefully medically vulnerable people will remember to get their flu vaccine without a campaign to remind them.
I never needed a campaign to remind me…
Considering his very real daddy issues and own admission that he is pretty much the same as he was as a child… Yeah, pretty much.
He really is a giant whiney fucking baby… Yet somehow MAGAs think this chump exudes strength. What a world.