5 hours agoI mean, I would too, just to see if the moon is special.
I mean look, scientists (and random bored people) for thousands of years did the same thing. Tasted things, consumed things to see what they do…
Has anyone smoked the moon yet? No. So we don’t actually know. We can speculate it does nothing, but we don’t know.
Maybe snort moon dust? Probably more practical.
I’ll just die, it’s fine.
I can’t pay for insurance, but I need expensive treatments every 11-13 weeks to function as a member of society. This has been the case for some 15 years now.
If I don’t have the exceptional care I get through the Va, I can’t -afford- to hold a job, because even with this great care, the most I can do realistically is part time which doesn’t include insurance.
I’ve been sort of planning, best one can, for the Va to crumble… I rely on my disability payments to cover my housing… if I lose those and my insurance, which is likely, I’m super fucked.