They spark joy in What?
They spark joy in What?
In 2025 they just mean “if either of your parents was a citizen when you were born, you can be too”
Yeah, that’s how it works for most countries
My parents of different nationalities had me in a third country. It would be really really shit for them (and me) if I didn’t share their nationality. They would have had a foreign child, who would almost always go for a citizenship as soon as possible anyway.
Much easier to just give the kid a passport if their parents have one.
And since I was born in a country that DOES have birthplace citizenship, I technically have three nationalities (only two passports though, way too much work to get the third one)
Either stop being a shit person, or stop being my friend, it’s not complicated
There are plenty of superpower-through-techology heroes in DC, so a solid public education would probably do it.
If you’re working on a “Batman can stop Darkseid alone” theory, then it logically follows that any well-trained and equipped group could also stop Darkseid, probably better than Batman can. So the priority should be that.
Good thing it rarely ever gets cold in… Looks at notes …Switzerland.
Doesn’t luxembourgh simply have the airfield that hosts the EU joint AWACS wing?
There was a whole “satanic panic” and a slew of “ritual child abuse” a few decades ago that was (almost?) entirely based on false memories caused by poor questioning.
People who vividly remember being taken to non-existent places and abused, while they were demonstrably elsewhere. And other people going to jail for it.
I absolutely cannot figure out what to do in order to fix an Apple computer when it’s bugging out
Buy a new one, duh
This is the best normal translation of “a ballistic trajectory” i’ve ever seen.