Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz, dpa, Reuters, ap, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Deutschlandfunk. Some others, if they come up. Mostly via RSS.
Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz, dpa, Reuters, ap, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Deutschlandfunk. Some others, if they come up. Mostly via RSS.
Well, macOS is unix based, and when debbuging a friends mac, I usually find that I find the terminal more comfortable than the Windows Command Prompt.
Now, that Mac does break in very weird ways sometimes, but I digress.
While what you said isn’t untrue, .ml does Bill itself as a general purpose instance. Also, not all the replies are from accounts on .ml.
In a more general sense, I always felt that only reading sources that alligned with one’s political alignment narrowed one’s perspective.