I don’t appreciate sea lions
I don’t appreciate sea lions
Retirement homes? 🤷
Ooh, that’s the best one! 😄
The Residents of the United States of America
1 Pilots
Teach Boys
Net Shop Boys
Temple of the Log
4 Nun Blondes
0 Unlimited
Simply Rod
The Sax Pistols
Space Girls
Procul Warum
The Orfspring
Damn, a LOT of really old and/or bad bands there 😄
Dammit, i was gonna do that one!
Alternative: Earl Jam
Step 2: ditto Jeffries
Tired fucking savings account? 🤷
So are you saying democracy doesn’t work
Nope. I’m saying that a 250 year old system that’s been chipped away at for ages and under the complete control of fascists isn’t going to save people from the fascists.
no one ever had the chance to nip that in the bud before it got this bad?
Is this another strawman or is this you saying that? Because I sure as hell never said nor even implied anything of the sort.
Some are naive to how the government currently works
But we still have free and fair elections
Spotted one of the naive ones 🙄
Seems like you misunderstood what I meant: I’m not saying that most morning people are neurotic control freaks who lack empathy.
I’m saying that most neurotic control freaks who lack empathy, a small proportion of the population which is EXTREMELY overrepresented in positions of authority, are also morning people
So yeah, seems we’re in agreement about daywalkers in general 😁
They already did their part
If by “their part” you mean throw away the most winnable presidential election in history by sticking to pro-corporate party orthodoxy from 1992 in spite of two thirds of their base imploring them not to, then yes. They sure did their part.
I’m pretty sure that the morning people Venn circle has a shitload of overlap with the kind of people who are both neurotic control freaks and lacking in empathy and are thus vastly overrepresented in positions of authority to begin with.
Then once they got into power, they enforced their preferences to the point that it’s now a prerequisite for power, which makes it even more likely to be perpetuated and so on and so forth until everyone whose sleep patterns don’t naturally conform simply die several years earlier due to all the added stress and poor health decisions required to adapt.
I believe it was Marvin Gaye
I like that it’s an homage to the best band ever, Queen.
People can always rise up and overthrow their leaders
Sure… Because overthrowing a government that doesn’t care about civilian casualties and is backed by the most bloated and over-funded military and police in the history of the world is TOTALLY doable! 🙄
Especially when the nominal political opposition cares more about norms and procedures than actually resisting fascism.
There are countless examples
None of them with an elite anywhere near as insulated from public pressure as this one, though.
the problem is
too manythe only ones with the power to fight it are comfortable with their safety in the status quo.
Fixed it for you.
Because the people are to blame for the problem.
Typical victim blaming bullshit. In an inherently corrupt system like that of Gotham or IRL New York or the US in general, 90%+ of the people don’t really have any meaningful control over what the elite does with society.
To blame the oppressed rather than rebel against the oppressors is some useful idiot shit.
This one got me good 😂