It hasn’t taken over my life. I have a strong foundation, and people who love me whom I love that aren’t bigots. Everything is politics when politics, so that’s a nonsense statement. I appreciate you sharing your concern from behind your veil.
It hasn’t taken over my life. I have a strong foundation, and people who love me whom I love that aren’t bigots. Everything is politics when politics, so that’s a nonsense statement. I appreciate you sharing your concern from behind your veil.
I completely get it, along with all the folks saying they don’t, won’t, can’t sell their Tesla. I’m also going to flip off every single Tesla I see on the road unless something seriously changes. I’ve spent most of my life with my head in the sand, first time ever donating to politics was sending Harris a weeks pay after she announced following Biden’s disaster debate. I was obviously part of the problem. Since the election I’ve cut out my family, have one friend left, and my wife and kids. I also flip off everyone in my development that had up Trump signs anytime I see them. I’m not going to actively destroy someone else’s property but I’d defend anyone that does. I’m privileged, my breaking point is different, the least I can do is show I’m not another bigot in this backwater country by ensuring my disdain for their hatred is understood. Fuck all of them and the symbolism’s of hate they have built. Even if I somehow found myself in a Tesla I’d at a minimum still be flipping off every one of them I saw on the road and hope every person I passed returned the favor so I’d know where they stood. Fuck them and fuck anyone carrying around their symbol of hatred hiding behind their veil of privilege.
It doesn’t take anymore energy than lifting a wave, which was my prior default. I have started to get involved, I’m just not going to turn a blind eye to anyone anymore.