Ah… this is such a perfectly Trump story. The Onion couldn’t have done a better job of it.
The fate of the western world has been placed in the hands of a man who’s the emotional equivalent of a four-year-old competing for daddy’s attention.
Ah… this is such a perfectly Trump story. The Onion couldn’t have done a better job of it.
The fate of the western world has been placed in the hands of a man who’s the emotional equivalent of a four-year-old competing for daddy’s attention.
I guess I should’ve been clearer.
He’s obviously both. He’s more of a lying sack of shit than he is an idiot.
And as I just tried to point out elsewhere, that’s not to say that he’s not an idiot - just that he’s even more of a liar.
I didn’t say he was smart - I said he’s even more a lying sack of shit than he is an idiot.
To be fairish, he’s more a lying sack of shit than an idiot, but that aside…
Oh boohoo - somebody maybe said mean things to him while he was using his daughter as a human shield (or maybe they didn’t and he’s lying).
And meanwhile, parents in Ukraine are digging their children’s corpses out from under rubble.
It’s so awesome to have a president who doesn’t just stop at being corrupt, but actually adds extra layers of corruption on top of the original ones.
He’s like the Monty Python spam skit - “Corruption, corruption, corruption, corruption, corruption, corruption, fascism, and corruption.”
That’s what Daddy Putin wants, so that’s what Daddy Putin gets.
That’s Dictatorship 101 - if the experts say you’re wrong, get rid of the experts.