You got a wet chortle out of me, I hope you’re happy.
You got a wet chortle out of me, I hope you’re happy.
Ukranians can be Anonymous if they’re anonymous enough.
Get enough malicious JavaScript ads on there from enough shiitty websites and you can tank a supercomputer.
I realized I got this from my mom when she asked me to fix her slow phone and the problem ended up being that the tab count on her phone’s browser was “:D”
I started doing the math on how many leopards gnawing on faces it would take to make the sound level dangerous and it made me kind of nauseous, but trust me, it was ballparking towards “a lot”. Probably way less than 70 million though.
The first link is about a pro Israel PAC spending money against the Dems, so I’m not sure how relevant that is?
Of the others, the newest article is from 2019.
This is pretty tame compared to what their opposing party does, I’m not sure this is supporting your argument to the extent you want. Even Watergate is tame compared to most of the shit republicans have pulled since Obama won. I suppose you could cherry pick metrics, but honestly none of this is even bad enough to be compared to what republicans have done this week. They’re not saints, sure, but if your waiting to vote for a saint you might want to get a job as a Cardinal.
Your second link talks about an anti-trump strategy from the Clinton campaign that literally tried to highlight how stupid and vulgar he was, which only backfired because that’s what his supporters like about him
The third link is attempting to conflate some random hoax videos with the rumors of a “kompromat” pee tape putin supposedly had/has an trump, which doesn’t really have much to do with the Dems that I can tell.
The fourth link is about two Hillary supporters in 2016 admitting they spread the birther rumor, which again has what to do with the Dem party?
Yeah, of all of these, I guess the Clinton one is relevant, and yeah, everyone has long since agreed that was a terrible strategy, but I’m not sure how any of this is a smoking gun that, what, Dems are as bad as Republicans? I’m not really sure what point you’re trying to make.
Trump and the GOP aren’t just helping, they’re investing in the Palestinian extinction and planning to build golf resorts on their graves.
By all means, don’t participate until your perfect candidate comes along.
Every D&D v4 mage: Hell yes I am.
You’re looking at it backwards:
They’re going to give public lands to themselves and their friends with this mechanism.