I’m sorry but what is that tag at the bottom of your post? I tried reading through the link but I couldn’t gather. It’s free use but they can’t assume ownership or endorsement?
I’m sorry but what is that tag at the bottom of your post? I tried reading through the link but I couldn’t gather. It’s free use but they can’t assume ownership or endorsement?
Ya know, the irony here, nobody is gonna feel bad for him either.
The function of the parks service is to maintain the parks, rivers, and forests (aka nature) of the area they operate. Idk what in your view makes “nature conservation” overlap with “making sure entitled lazy dickheads have a trash can every 10 feet they can ignore” but you might want to reevaluate your stance here. Govt funding is tight enough for these agencies trying to do what they can as it is. Catering to “But I don’t want to hold my trash for 10 minutes” like a whining baby is not their concern. Nor should anyones be. You’re a grown adult. Take your trash, shove it in a pocket or a bag until you can throw it away like an adult.
Genuine answer here, as someone who volunteers for the parks. A lot of times the budgets are tight, depending on whose responsibility it is to clean up the area and what services are there/nearby, the staffing just isn’t available. Yeah it’s a pretty easy thing to do in theory, but in practice when it becomes “okay and 2 hours of your shift is driving out there and emptying the cans” it’s not a far leap to just “Remove the cans, make the snack stand dispose of their garbage on their own”
I mean I get it, the cans are nice but also, like you’re an adult. Throw your trash away on your own.
“But then people will throw it on the ground!” Okay then pay someone to stand out there and slap every idiot that thinks littering is okay because they couldn’t find a can in 10 seconds.
It’s common decency in plenty of places around the world to take your garbage with you until you find a can. It’s not hard.
Century has that human element because “last century” is where old people are from. You wouldn’t meet people from the last millennium, but you know people from the last century. It’s 100 years, that’s a lifetime. Implying that you’re from the “last” one means you’re not from “this” one. Aka, ancient.