That’s the thing. I’d be horny all night and wouldn’t be able to sleep.
That’s the thing. I’d be horny all night and wouldn’t be able to sleep.
I wish it wasn’t so ungodly difficult to flash a drive in Linux. Proper documentation would be nice too. I do have a flashed drive however.
Sadaam Hussein is blocking the view
May I ask why? No disrespect intended, just trying to understand.
Sorry, I thought the implication was that someone intentionally slept with one in. I don’t know how you’d sleep like that.
Damn I feel left out. She hasn’t messaged me :(
jerk off to vampire porn
Do people actually do this?
Sorry bro, I think she’s cheating on you.
Sorry, who is she? I keep seeing her face in memes.
MakeMKV? I don’t understand.
Glad my tax dollars aren’t going to waste /s
I mostly shop on eBay now. Way better anyway.
but i wanna enjoy hot feet