Are threats bad?
Are threats bad?
You’ll understand once you have your first encounter with the law.
You could render dove-fat and saponify it, that’s a pretty reasonable way to make soap. They have high fat content afaik.
Lots of soap is made from fatty birds like ducks and geese.
A guy in Ireland got six years for smuggling garlic: https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/man-jailed-for-six-years-over-16m-garlic-tax-scam/26830346.html
Marx never said centrally plan the economy.
If you read Mein Kampf it’s really focused on “the Jews”.
Nazism was about anti-semitism first and foremost. They had a paranoid delusion that all Jews have an inborn desire to subvert the nobler Aryan civilisation.
There were non-anti-semitic fascists too like Eoin O’Duffy
Ok, I will pass this on to them.
That $5 million isn’t for you
I didn’t suggest being polite.
Skill issue
“Please don’t talk about politics in the workplace. It is unprofessional.”
I strive to be heliocentric