It seems to me that there is a difference between telling someone to take and interest and forcing them to vote even though they do not care to do that on their own.
It seems to me that there is a difference between telling someone to take and interest and forcing them to vote even though they do not care to do that on their own.
Just because you do not want them near your spaces does not mean they are not leftists.
I understand perfectly well how stupid that sounds, possibly better than you.
In what country do people not have the opportunity to vote? Even if that is the case, why not just make the voting accessible without forcing people to vote?
I just don’t see the point.
Well, they have dominated Marxist politics for quite a while, and I am not sure you can say they are not leftists because they are authoritarian, they have a lot more in common ideologically with other Marxists/socialists than the right, just because they prefer certain methods does not mean they are not leftists, and they do have traits that have always been associated with leftism, like opposition to tradition, monarchy, even capitalism, desire for revolution, etc.
If Marxists are not leftist, I do not know who is.
Well, if you just made an apple pie you would have also made a universe that would consist of only the apple pie.
I believe that people that do not want to vote or do not feel particularly strongly about politics should be free to stay home. They might not know much about politics. Wouldn’t you rather have people vote who are actually invested into politics and come to vote because they actually want to? Also, I do not think it is ok to force people to participate in democracy in suvh a manner.
Just because you reckon your party would have won if you forced people to vote, does not mean it should be done.
I am not a Marxist.
Very rude behaviour from you lot, I hope it is not representative of the character of your movement.