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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • They need to lead, but they also need to not just be reactionary. They should absolutely listen to what us voters are saying. But they should also be looking at the overall situation, and trying to understand why voters are not super stoked about how things are going instead of insisting “the economy is fine”. And then, maybe, I dunno, do some real, honest root cause analysis, and come up with some fucking creative solutions.

    And by “they”, I mean the congresspersons themselves. Not an intern. Not a consultant. Not a lobbyist. The person who was elected. Do the work. Do your fucking job.

  • You know what? Go for it, Greene. Tell your constituents shit that will get them killed. Have at it. Go ham. This is what your constituents wanted. They must lie in the bed they’ve made.

    And I hope they’re hurt. I hope family members of her constituents die to a disease that we have fully handled in this day and age, but that you’re far too fucking jaw-droppingly imbecilic to accept - either on evidence (which you enjoy ignoring) or on faith (which you profess to love). Go ahead. Ignore the science. Let your children and immunocompromised friends and family die. You so gleefully revel in causing pain in others. Now you’re causing pain to yourself. Fucking figure it out.

    This is the “find out” part.