“It’s basic biology” mfs when advanced biology
“It’s basic biology” mfs when advanced biology
Your definitions go against the scholarly consensus is my point. But thanks for sharing your irrelevant credentials, and congrats I guess
It must be tiring being so aggro all the time. Come back when you’ve had a breather and maybe had a chance to read some definitions by actual scholars
Trump’s nationalistic, protectionist policies are the exact opposite of neoliberalism 🤦♂️
The US is threatening to invade a democratic nation and nobody seems to care. Where are all the freedom loving dudebros on this? Subjugating free countries is okay now? This is so exhausting
Weird how the copper of the slug statue looks older than the other ones. I hope someone got fired for that blunder
You can disagree with her politics but to call Clinton unqualified is actually absurd
Hillary was an excellent candidate who was eminently qualified
Because the error message would be meaningless for 99% of people. Expected errors are already handled correctly, but unexpected errors like these would say something obscure like “couldn’t read property ‘count’ of undefined”. Very useful