Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
Everyone always like to attack the welfare bum or the person trying to cheat a few hundred bucks out of the system
No one ever wants to talk about the millionaires and billionaires that pay little to no tax but want to have all their businesses subsidized and supported by the for free … millions of dollars at a time … when these wealthy idiots don’t need the money. The greatest twist to it all is that these wealthy morons are the same people that will argue that capitalism only works for the strongest, smartest and best individuals and companies … if you are so good and great, you don’t need government help or handouts to support your fantastic business.
Might as well rewrite history and say that in the 1940s, America fought Central European powers with alternative government systems
It’s some sort of a disassociative childhood trauma that we put up inside ourselves to either forget something horrible, traumatic or just generally depressive.
I grew up poor in my Indigenous family and everywhere I turned from the moment I was born, there was near constant tragedy and trauma. And if it wasn’t happening around me, people were also remarking, remembering or recalling even more horrible things from the past. On top of that, I basically attended one or more funerals for friends, family or close relatives every single year of my life until I was 20 and left home. I saw funerals for old people, middle aged people, adults, teenagers, children and babies. Add to that the reality of knowing that as a kid, everything was kind of OK but I knew that as an adult I would be completely on my own and would have to do something while living in a world that probably didn’t want me because I was just another ‘Indian’.
By the time I was about 12 - 13 a switch went off in my head that basically said … ‘OK let’s turn everything off and just run on auto pilot for a while’ … it’s a coping mechanism to just forget and disassociate from everything and everyone and just go on living without really thinking about anything. I have entire years of my teenage life that are just black empty periods with no memory. I still have family and friends who come up to me to say ‘hey, remember that time you did that amazing thing?’, ‘you jumped from a high dive at the lake’, ‘you did an amazing jump with a dirt bike and crashed and flipped a million times’, ‘you played hockey with so and so and you guys won a tournament’ … entire periods of my life that are just blank, empty and lost. Sometimes I think really hard and look back and its like trying to recall a TV show or movie I saw 30 years ago and just remember an image or two but nothing about what the movie was about.
I’ve never been diagnosed with anything or ever seen a doctor or psychiatrist about any of this … never had the time or the money or the access to see one. By the time I could afford it all, I had pretty much dealt with my inner (and outer) demons in my life to be able to live with it all. Alcoholism was another problem I had to deal with and AA, NA, Al-Anon and years of being part of support groups really helped a lot. And I’ve seen the same thing with so many people like me that I grew up with and so many other young Native people I see today.
Gets caught in the cross fire of a driveby shooting … gets their body used as a shield in the fire fight … you are an NPC