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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • OK. This topic is a bit concerning. All from 2021 to 2024, Trump bitched and moaned how the election was stolen from him. He’s poisoned the well of electoral politics by making anyone who questions the results of an election look like a crazy person.

    This youtube video shows something very concerning about election results in 2024, and also questions 2020. Not in the way of screaming, but with numbers and analysis. But if they saw issues with 2020’s vote count, which favoured Trump in later counting and amounted to what some have called a “Russian Tail”, it would have been better to bring that up in 2021, and get investigators into actually auditing the vote and punishing the perpetrators. They waited until now, and now, if we point out that Trump rigged 2024 and rigged 2020 but not by enough, then we just look like sore losers.

    But we need to have this discussion and be willing to fight to hold Trump accountable, even if we DO look like sore losers. But we need to get to the numbers quickly, because I suspect the shitgibbon has plans around April or May to do an authoritarian power grab of epic proportions.

  • Let’s put it this way. I have been shadow-banned on Reddit. Got an e-mail saying my account appeared to be hacked after I responded to an apparent call for violence with an observation that we’re generally not violent as a group but as time goes by, things might change, and a warning that you have to be careful with what you say because Reddit has a rule against calling for violence. I did the steps to secure my account, but while the message wenty away, I have verified that all my comments disappear into the ether. Sure seems like a ban there.

    And now, you can be banned for even LIKING a call for violence? And Reddit’s admins basically black-hole you if you have support questions of any kind. So, you like someone saying, say, “If this crap keeps going on, I might need to do something more than holding a sign, if you know what I mean,” and some Reddit power-tripper with a hardon for Trump clicks the ‘ban ur account’ button, and then you are stuck in read-only mode in reddit.