Musk isn’t even a politician, just a huge piece of shit. Honestly, I’m seriously shocked there aren’t multinational hit squads gunning for his ass right now.
Bet you would.
Can’t wait for UFO and Sasquatch week.
Marriage doesn’t automatically grant a green card. There’s a lengthy process. Another article did say he had a green card though.
One of those meaningless medals Trump gets wet handing out.
Well that’s not true at all.
Doesn’t mean its not still bad.
The old guard (both literal and figurative) need to get the fuck out of the way for the AOC’s and Crockett’s who will actually speak to power instead of cowering in the corners.
The other big problem is that politics have become such a negative impact on people’s lives in the US that regular people don’t want to run for office anymore, which is what we really need.
Fucking disgusting. Hope it’s all to a bunch of dickhead billionaires, and those contracts are reversed/ignores after Trump gets kicked out.
Don’t give this guy upvotes 😂 Look at his history.
Shame on you, Wired, for trying to write a piece that makes these sound like some sort of innovative or progressive ideas. These ideas are nothing more than billionaire wet dreams of reviving company towns, and directly controlling larger population centers. If this was such a good idea that benefits the country or the world at large, then why are they all hiding behind shadow corporations led by known eugenicists and neo-nazi aligned psychopaths with more money than they could ever spend in a lifetime.
Again, Wired, GFY.
Hey, it seems to have worked in the US, and there’s a much smaller election to rig in Greenland.
90% of the landmass is under ice, so people want the water, and they’re getting chubs thinking there might be deposits of rare earth minerals as there are in the Northern Territories of Canada.
Yeah… Something really off about this whole thing. A clearer message would be useful. Content is also from 2017, and it’s a whole different ball of wax now.
He stole it. His kid even said so on camera 😂
Video would be great to illustrate the complete incompetence of these people. They’re literally all trying to figure this out as it happens, have no idea wtf they are doing, and millions of people are already affected.
Bankrupt most of the country so billionaires get cheap buys for land and equipment. That’s exactly what it is.