🚨🚨**TANKIE ALERT!!**🚨🚨
Brave is a shitty browser and anything related to it should be ignored.
Dear fucking God not Newsom. That dude is a bigger turd than Hillary.
How in the living fuck did Shakespeare in Love win over Shawshank Redemption?
Jon Stewart: “How old are you?”
Tucker Carlson: “35.”
Jon Stewart: “And you wear a bow tie.”
“Look, I’m not suggesting you aren’t a smart guy, because those things are not easy to tie. But the thing is, you’re doing theatre, when you should be doing debate. It’s not honest… what you do is partisan hackery.”
And so savage was the mockery that he never wore a bowtie again.
Mandatory xkcd:
I wouldn’t call it high standards to ask for them to try harder than this:
Yeah didn’t see any of those. All I see is this:
I’m using Firefox on Android so maybe that’s causing issues?
I must have scrolled all the way up and down 5 times to make sure I wasn’t going insane.
“German Election Results Explained in Graphics”
Full text article with no graphics
Pretty sure I’ve seen this one in a Silent Hill game
Is this really considered news? Hearing about this guy or his has-been actress wife is only slightly less interesting than hearing about the next geriatric Paul Logan is planning to beat up.