At least he has daddy vladdys attention
Oh no, you!
At least he has daddy vladdys attention
Copypasting my answer from the previous thread:
My current specific employment: A coworker of mine was laid off from my former employer, and joined the competition instead. Turns out that they needed what I do, and were willing to pay whatever it took, so they poached me with an offer I couldn’t refuse.
My job: Covid happened, and cuts were made among the field crew. I landed a role in the support structure instead, where I’ve been ever since.
My career: No fucking idea what happened. In 2008 I applied for a job and I had no idea what it was, and for which I was severely under qualified. I got it anyway. Turns out that being used to heavy machinery, computers/linux, and jury rigging was exactly what they were looking for, depsite wanting all sorts of degrees.
I usually check things in this order:
National newspaper
Local newspaper
How did she take it?
How much are we talking? Are there any documented suicides by nutmeg?
No need to go poop anymore. It’s definitely a big plus to not have an asterisk.
A few off the top of my head:
Destiny Potato - Lun
Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory
A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms
Theatre of Tragedy - Aegis
Gravel is expensive if you’re doing a lot of landscaping. I’ll supply all of the entrepeneurs in the area and make a fortune.
BuT aT lEaSt DeMoCrAtS wErE TaUgHt A lEsSoN!!
New car