2 days agoCan’t follow group posts only. When you follow a group/community in Lemmy you see all of the posts and replies made in that group (via automatic boosts), which can quickly clutter up your feed. I can’t find a simple way to only show new posts and not all the replies. So now I mainly browse Lemmy on its own instance page and only drop into Mastodon to make replies and upvotes.
yeah, I tried following one Lemmy community through my Mastodon account once, and it was a nightmare with all the replies made in the community boosted out of context to my feed. and that was about 2 years ago, today it would be even more unbearable.
the problem is that you don’t get only posts, as mentioned in the part of the post that I quoted. if you follow [email protected] from a Mastodon account, you get an endless list of all comments made in the community, without any context, sorted chronologically.