No fucking way anti-oligarchy is the future of the party.
We’ll see. It would be quite tragicomical after they just got punished for moving towards the center like the second humiliating time around. At least Bernie’s showing the path.
No fucking way anti-oligarchy is the future of the party.
We’ll see. It would be quite tragicomical after they just got punished for moving towards the center like the second humiliating time around. At least Bernie’s showing the path.
at least during his first presidency he had a well-oiled infrastructure to rationalize and capitalize on any bullshit that came out of his mouth. He doesn’t have those people around anymore.
Also this is why I’ve given up on “conservative intellectuals”. They claim interesting things that could make sense in certain contexts (even if I disagree with those), but the moment trump says something, they abandon these values and bend over backwards to rationalize his stupid shit.
How am I even supposed to talk to you if you refuse to clarify your specific problems?
You can always send a DM. I’m done with this thread, people seem a little too much into movements but don’t understand how to make them appealing😂
The democratic socialist is a label Bernie used to describe himself in the past. I’m not into populism, and consider that social welfare policies only work in a lasting way if people value and respect them, and some of that come with compromises that society has to reach a consensus on.
Also, I don’t “need to specify” anything to you and if y’all think that you can afford to attack people for being slightly misaligned with your values don’t be surprised about failing to build a movement.
America is way too far fucking right wing, that’s insane
It generally is, especially from the European perspective but not entirely. If we put aside present republican posturing, the USA is very immigration-friendly right and left whereas in Europe the right wing is extremely against any kind of immigration.
How in the fuck is Bernie too far left for you?
You guys are way too inclined to think in extremes. Slight = difference between democratic socialist vs. social democrat.
nobody called Bernie bad here…
Edit: if you go on calling people “part of the problem” for considering Bernie slightly to their left in a post that praises him, then you are actually part of the problem and you don’t even realize it.
This is even lamer than his usual couch theatrics about feigning being “diSrEspeCtEd!!!1!!!”. This comes off as Vance being this soft and weak couch potato who feels threatened even by the sight of signs. Considering how little concern he showed about Ukrainian children being “confronted” by russian missiles, he is now eligible for my prayers. He still have to work for my thoughts though.
which is still the highest margin since 2016. IIRC it was less than 150K for 2016 and well below 100K for 2020.
It’s interesting to watch this, and while Bernie is slightly left to my values, how come this octogenarian gets it and the rest of the party doesn’t? I’m just amazed that some democrats interpret this as “let’s align with MAGA” a little more, instead of calling those “right wing radicalists”. The future of Dems is to be the anti-oligarchy party. While I understand how risky this may be as unlimited dark money pouring in can tilt things, but people still have the power if they unite.
This has nothing to do with antisemitism and everything with oligarchic takeover of academia. The goal is to inflict financial pain on the largest research universities located in states where republicans have limited power. Many of these universities (at least the private ones) will be able to offset some of the financial deficits through accepting private donations that will increase the influence of donors over university policies, so they can realign them with the oligarchs.
In the meantime, the big name universities will start applying for private grants making those unattainable for smaller institutions, so this financial pain will “trickle down”. The long-term effect will be, fewer PhDs, fewer people wanting to do science, fewer people coming to the USA to do research and will overall put an end to US scientific supremacy that has always relied on brain drain anyway.
Just another great example how trump and trumpists don’t understand geopolitics (they are triggering nuclear rearmament), and they don’t understand science either (they want scientific solutions, like carbon capture, but hate scientists who figure these out).
The GOP is trying to portray itself as the “anti elitism party”, but in reality they are simply the financial elite’s party attacking the intellectual elite. Ironically what draws working people towards the GOP is the idea that one day they’ll become rich-rich. In reality, helping people to get an education is a much more realistic goal and would actually help society as a whole.
don’t get your hopes up. Harvard has billions and billions on private endowments. They are gonna be impacted the least.
“tiergas”? what are we, animals?:)
Ad homonym jokes aside, as a university researcher I was absolutely disgusted by Columbia’s approach to the protests. They literally approached this the worst way possible and spilled gasoline on fire. However, this is just an excuse to divide public opinion while they are actually aiming to defund top universities. If you punch a few $100M holes in university budgets it will kill research first. And that’s the goal.
assembling the stupid, bigoted, gullible, and most importantly - least empathetic bunch of people.
To me the one of the funnier things is these same people who whine endlessly about the oppression by political correctness getting upset about being called deplorables or plain ol’ stupid.
A headline without calling it an “Artificial Sun”?!
affordable education and universal healthcare would be popular drawing forces.