Ok, pardon and keep Mr. Whiskeyleaks on your team. We’ll just circle back to a new fuck up that’s guaranteed to come as long as everyone in that chat group continues to hold their position.
How does it make any sense whatsoever? Musk, Bezos, Zuck, etc already have more money than they can spend even if they were all to live a full life. Helping bring on the collapse of civilization would just reduce their power and control over us.
If you’re saying that they believe it will collapse regardless of what they do, then they’d probably behave more like Gabe Newell and live their life by hopping from one yacht to another somewhere out in the ocean.
Glue this on: ʌᴏᴏᴅᴏᴏ
No worries, but I’m not the one who posted the original comment you replied to.
You think the president of the US would first hear of a fuck up of this magnitude from the press?
I’m sure that even before the article was published they were trying to think of a way to silence it in a way that wouldn’t make things even worse in the next 24 hours. That’s why Trump was up there preemptively trying to discredit The Atlantic despite claiming to not know anything about his own administration’s incompetent bullshit.
Take that corpo linux!
“Elon Musk is probably the best person to bet on I have ever met,” said Lutnick. “And I think, we all know that, I mean, gosh, in the same week that he saves astronauts with his rockets that he invented — imagine that. He’s building, he’s building the coolest robots you’ve ever seen. Go online and look up ‘Optimus’ — it’s the coolest thing you’ve ever seen, we’re all gonna be buying robots, they’re gonna cost about $30,000, you’re buying a Tesla robot, and anybody who doesn’t buy a Tesla robot is gonna be silly, no one’s gonna be keying anything. Elon Musk is the best entrepreneur and technologist in America and I’d bet on him — I wish I was allowed, but I’m not allowed to buy any stock!”
Thank you for this transcript. I doubt I could have made out anything of what Lutnick was saying given how deep into Elon’s asshole his tongue appears to be.
Come on, they’re just simple dress code requirements
Business casual: red cap, formal: white hood
I will say a prayer for perjury convictions 🙏