It’s still the result of robbing the working class, and concentrated wealth like that is bad for everyone (even the billionaires).
It’s still the result of robbing the working class, and concentrated wealth like that is bad for everyone (even the billionaires).
“Free” market
Can I add an addendum to this?
In the event of a third impeachment, the Supreme Court must choose its surliest member to hold a press conference wherein they squat down and yell, “yerrrrr OUT!” like a disgruntled umpire.
In 2003, there was a massive power outage over a big chunk of the midwest. Power was out for about three days. My entire city just kinda… shut down and took a break.
It wasn’t all great–a few elderly folks even died of heat stroke (it was hot, in the middle of summer if I remember right). But there were some positives: the city functioned as a community in a way I’ve never experienced before or since. It felt like we were all on a broken elevator together–a sudden sense of camaraderie in the face of a shared experience.
Most businesses couldn’t function, so everyone was pretty much outside in the parks and at the waterfront, and everyone seemed pretty welcoming to everyone else (they kinda had to be, there were a lot of people out). My dad had a portable generator, so we went around town taking turns at friends’ houses to run their fridges and freezers for a while, and got to just spend time with them.
I don’t expect that the world could function like that all the time, but it was kinda nice for a few days.
Still more accurate than “assume spherical cow”
Green tomatoes fried in bacon fat? Sounds pretty good to me.