Was the wish also to ride it?
Was the wish also to ride it?
I like etymology, so when I learned anatomy I looked up the latin (or sometimes greek) origins, and they are usually very descriptive! Acetabulum = small vinegar cup. Processus coracoideus = the pointy thing that looks like a ravens beak. Occiput (via “ob caput”) = the back of the head. Etc.
“At this point, not enough information exist to answer that question. I have carefully investigated the material provided, and it appears like the necessary information has been deliberately redacted. Given this, the best course would be to avoid speculation.”
No, my passport has my real name of course, with “å”. In the airport system and on the boarding pass my name was spelled with “aa”.
I had to convince people to let me on board a plane because my name contain a swedish letter (å). Their computer system translated it into “aa”, which then didn’t match my passport.
I suspect that the problem is that while people want big pockets, small pocket clothes look better. If there was a real demand for big pockets, there would be money to make in selling those, and big pocket brands would dominate.