9 days agohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CyVi4UzKxE&list=LL&index=8
I realize this link doesn’t directly answer your question, but it was the right technical level for me to better understand what’s the big deal about the bird flu. And it has some comments about the state of healthcare here in the US & what we’re doing (not doing) to prevent another pandemic. I liked it enough that I watched all 40 minutes, so I guess that’s something? lol.
(America). As a die-hard lover of manual transmissions, I can say that unless you specifically want a manual, the odds of you ever needing to drive one are near zero. Oddly, the big exception would be if your partner drives a manual transmission car, which is true here. Will there ever be a time when your car is in the shop and you need to borrow his car?